Dry fruits are very necessary for our health because they provide the most important nutrients for our body and fulfill the all vitamins required by the human body and the body becomes very strong and healthy by consuming dry fruits. So in this article, we provided full details about Dry Fruits Name in English and Hindi language.
We should always add dry fruits to our daily diet so that our bodies always remain healthy. let’s know the top 50 dry fruits’ names in Hindi and English language.
1 | Almond | बादाम |
2 | Cashew | काजू |
3 | Pistachio | पिस्ता |
4 | Fox Nut | मखाना |
5 | Dates | खजूर |
6 | Cudpahnut | चिरोंजी |
7 | Walnut | अखरोट |
8 | Dry Dates | छुहारे |
9 | Raisins | किशमिश |
10 | Peanut | मूंगफली |
11 | Pine Nut | चिलगोजा |
12 | Cranberry | क्रैनबेरी |
13 | Dry Apricot | सूखी खुबानी |
14 | Dry Fig | सूखा अंजीर |
15 | Dry Coconut | सूखा नारियल |
16 | Betel Nuts | सुपारी |
17 | Saffron | केसर |
18 | Blueberry | नीलबदरी |
19 | Poppy Seeds | खसखस |
20 | Arrowroot | अरारोट |
21 | Star Anise | चक्रफूल |
22 | Watermelon Seeds | तरबूज के बीज |
23 | Sultana currant | मुनक्का |
24 | Sesame Seed | तिल |
25 | Chestnut | शाहबलूत |
26 | Basil Seeds | चिया के बीज |
27 | Brazil Nut | त्रिकोणफल |
28 | Black Walnut | काला अखरोट |
29 | Black Raisins | काली किशमिश |
30 | Corn Nut | भुना मकई |
31 | Cantaloupe Seeds | खरबूज के बीज |
32 | Dry Banana | सूखा केला |
33 | Dry Cherries | सूखा चेरी |
34 | Dry Mango | सूखा आम |
35 | Dry Papaya | सूखा पपीता |
36 | Dry Orange | सूखा संतरा |
37 | Dry Peatch | सूखा आड़ू |
38 | Dry Pears | सूखा नाशपाती |
39 | Dry Pulm | सूखा बेर |
40 | Dry Pineapple | सूखा अनानास |
41 | Dry Kiwi | सूखी कीवी |
42 | Dry Strawberry | सूखी स्ट्रॉबेरी |
43 | Prunes | सूखा आलूबुखारा |
44 | Dry Goji | सूखी गोजी |
45 | Soya Nuts | सोयाबीन के बीज |
46 | Pumpkin Seeds | कद्दू के बीज |
47 | Dry Nectarines | सूखा अमृत |
48 | Sunflower Sedds | सूरजमुखी के बीज |
49 | Dry Apple | सूखा सेब |
50 | Dry Avocado | सूखा एवोकाडो |
Dry Fruits Name
Basically, dry fruits are a very good source of vitamins and nutrients, and it’s also called energy food so more people use dry food as an energy food during gym and workouts this thinks to keep attention in mind and talk about the dry fruits name in details above article you can get more and more information about the dry fruits reading the article given in details about the dry fruits name.
Dry Fruits Name in English
Dry fruit names are commonly used in basic conversation so its more and more used in normal conversation so is very necessary that we know about all dry fruits used in daily conversation this talk keep in mind we provide all dry fruit names in English and Hindi which commonly used in daily conversation in the above given article
Dry Fruits Names in English with Pictures and Benefits
If you want dry fruit named in English with pictures and benefits please click the link given below:
- All Dry Fruits Name in Hindi & English with picture and benefits <<<<<<Click Here>>>>>>>>>>
Dry Fruits Name with Images
Dry fruits are a very energetic food They have been used in daily diets as an energy food during workouts or breakfast if you want dry fruits named with the picture you can click the link given below:-
>>>>>>>>>>Dry fruits name with image<<<<<<<<<
All Dry Fruits Name in English and Hindi
Dry fruits are commonly used in daily life because its very energetic food More people dry fruits used in the morning as an energy breakfast so I think dry fruits are basic needs for every person who follows the morning workout so dry fruits name should be known every person, this talk keep in mind today we provide the all dry fruits name in English and Hindi with the brief detail given above article
Dry Fruits Names and Benefits
Dry fruits are very delicious food used in the daily life of more people who want vitamins and minerals for a healthy body Basically dry fruits are energetic snacks that are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber dry fruits have more health benefits for known to follow the given below points:
- If you use dry fruits in your morning diet your body gets more energy in the form of protein, vitamins, and fiber your body always stays healthy.
- Consume dry fruits to fill your body with Proteins, calcium, and other minerals.
- If you want to boost the immunity of your body you should include dry fruits in your daily diet your body gets Various essential oils, proteins, and potassium.
- Dry fruits are known as a very good source of weight loss because they are lower in fat, carbohydrates, sugar, proteins, and essential oils.
- Dry fruits basically used for glowing skin because they have essential oils and antioxidants which are useful for the regeneration of good skin and the prevention of aging.
Healthy Dry Fruits Names
Dry fruits are of various types but in this article, we know about the 10 most healthy dry fruits which have rich minerals and vitamins:
- Alomods – बादाम
- Cashew – काजू
- Walnut – अखरोट
- Dates – खजूर
- Pistachio – पिस्ता
- Peanut – मूंगफली
- Dry Fig – सूखा अंजीर
- Poppy Seeds – खसखस
- Cudpahnut – चिरोंजी
- Raisins – किशमिश
Dry Fruits Names and Benefits in Hindi
सूखे मेवे एक स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक स्नैक हैं जो ऊर्जा से भरपूर होते है क्योंकि वे प्रोटीन, विटामिन, खनिज और आहार फाइबर से भरपूर होते हैं। इस लेख में हम सूखे मेवे के नाम और उनके बेनिफिट्स के बारे में संछिप्त जानकारी देने बाले है जो इस प्रकार है:
- सूखे मेवे खाने में साडीस्थ और पोस्टिक आहार से भरपूर होते है।
- सूखे मेवे खाने से शरीर में रक्त प्रवाह ठीक हो जाता है और आपका शरीर ऊर्जा से भरपूर हो जाता है।
- सूखे मेवे ब्लड प्रेसर को नार्मल करते है और कोलेस्ट्रॉल लेवल को काम करते है।
- सूखे मेवे शरीर में क्रोध प्रतिरोधक छमता को बढ़ाते है इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत करते है।
- सूखे मेवे में प्रचुर मात्रा में प्रोटीन और कैल्सियम होता है जो हड्डियां मजबूत करता है।
Hello, friends in this article we provide all about information of Dry Fruits Name in English and Hindi language if you consume dry fruits daily routine as a snack in the morning for breakfast this article covers all dry fruit names in Hindi and English you learn here dry fruits name in both language.
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FAQs Frequently Ask Questions for Dry Fruits:-
What are the 8 types of dried fruit?
The most commonly used 8 types of dried fruit are given below by list:
1. Alomods
2. Cashew
3. Walnut
4. Dates
5. Pistachio
6. Peanut
7. Dry Fig
8. Poppy Seeds
What are 5 dried foods?
The most popular dry fruits are Almonds, cashews, walnuts, Dates, and Dry figs.
Which dry food is best for health?
There are most used and best dry food for health is, Almond, Peanut, Dry Fig, Dates, Cashew, and Raisin.